Update: 19.02.2025
1. What is exhibition and introduction of goods and services?
The exhibition and introduction of goods and services are traders’ promoting activities of using goods and services and documents about goods and services to introduce to customers about those goods and services.
The business of exhibition service and introduction goods and services is a commercial activity whereby a trader provides services of exhibition and introduction of goods and services to other traders.
2. Subjects have the right to exhibition and introduce goods and services
(i) The subjects have the right to choose whether or not to hire traders providing goods and/or exhibition and introduction services to perform activities of exhibition and introduction of goods and/or services:
– Vietnamese traders, branches of Vietnamese traders;
– Branches of foreign traders in Vietnam;
(ii) Entities that are required to hire traders providing goods and/or service exhibition services to perform activities of exhibition and introduction of goods and/or services:
– Foreign traders have not had a commercial presence in Vietnam;
– Representative office of the trader in case authorized by the trader.
Note: In principle, this subject has no business function, so it is not allowed to exhibition and introduce goods and services of the trader it represents, except for exhibition and introduction of goods, services at the representative office.
3. Conditions for goods and services to be exhibited or introduced
(i) Goods and services exhibition or introduced must be those legally traded on the market;
(ii) Goods and services exhibition and introduced must comply with the provisions of law on goods quality and goods labeling;
(iii) Goods permitted to be imported into Vietnam;
(iv) Goods temporarily imported for exhibition or introduction must be re-exported after the exhibition or introduction ends, but within six months from the date of temporary import; if the above time limit is exceeded, the extension procedures must be carried out at the customs office of the place of temporary import;
(v) Goods temporarily imported for exhibition or introduction, if consumed in Vietnam, must comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law regarding imported goods.
4. Cases where the exhibition and introduction of goods and services is prohibited
(i) Organizing the exhibition and introduction of goods and services or using forms and means of exhibition and introduction of goods and services which are detrimental to national security, social order and safety; landscape, environment, human health;
(ii) Exhibition and introduction of goods and services or using forms and means of exhibition or introduction contrary to Vietnam’s historical, cultural, ethical, fine traditions and customs;
(iii) Exhibition and introduction of goods and services that reveal state secrets;
(iv) Exhibition and introduction of other traders’ goods to compare with their own, except where the goods being compared are counterfeit goods or goods infringing intellectual property rights as prescribed by law;
(v) Exhibition or introduction of samples of goods that are not consistent with the goods being traded in terms of quality, price, utility, design, type, packaging, warranty period and other quality criteria to deceive lie to customers.
ADK & Co Vietnam Lawyers Law Firm